QW - Qualiware Text Editor - QLM vs. Web Functions Comparison

Qualiware has several attributes that use a rich text editor. This editor can be used both in QLM and on the Web, however the features differ between the two. This document will compare these editor's functionality.

The QLM client editor: 

1 – Standard Font Options 

2 – Make a Header 

3 – Page Break 

4 – Create/remove indentations 

5 – Text Alignment 

6 – Insert a Hyperlink 

7 – Insert a Drawing 

8 – Insert a Footer 

9 – Find First/Next Occurrence in Text 


The Web Editor: 

1 – Standard font options (includes background colour and strikethrough) 

2 – Text Alignment (one additional option) 

3 – Bullet Point/List options 

4 – Insert Horizontal Rule 

5 – Undo 

6 – Find and Replace 

7 – Paste 

8 – Import a Word Document (includes all formatting) 

9 – Link an Item 

10 – Insert a Hyperlink 

11 – Insert an Image 

12 – Insert a Table 

13 – Change Page View (Landscape vs. Portrait) 

14 – Toggle Full Screen (F8) 


Right Click Options –  




Since the web Toolbar is more comprehensive, we can see that the right-click menu has replaced some of the functionality with a spell check, writing direction options, web capture (screenshot), and share function.