QW QLM - Enable Extended Syntax in QualiWare

This is a quick guide on enabling the 'Extended' folder under the Symbols tab in certain diagrams, such as BusinessCanvas.


There may be more than one syntax for each diagram type making it possible to switch the set of symbols and connections as well as the rules during runtime. For example, the BusinessProcessNetwork also offers the user an extended syntax that allows for the use of a variety of other symbols. This syntax may be activated by right-clicking on the diagram surface and selecting ‘Actions – Extended Syntax’. 

What is in this for me? 

The user will be able to use additional symbols on certain diagrams that are not available for use by default / in an OOTB environment. 


  1. Open a BusinessCanvas diagram in QLM. Note the Symbols tab.

Graphical user interface, application, Word

Description automatically generated

2. In a blank space within the diagram, right-click > Actions > Extended Syntax

3. Observe the Extended folder options appear in the Symbols tab. Graphical user interface, text, application, email

Description automatically generated

4. Double-click the Extended folder to view the options.

Note: Extended Syntax’ availability and symbols may change depending on the diagram template used.