QW Web - Text-to-Diagram on the Web Modeller

This document describes how to use Qualiware's Web modeler's text-to-diagram function to create a diagram from text alone.

Creating diagrams by using text is a fast and effective tool. A user must perform the following steps: 

  1. Open Diagram Editor Chart

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  2. Press on the kebab menu and select “Import from text”. Chart

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  3. Select a layout type. For an ordinary diagram, select “Connection”. Graphical user interface, text, application

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  4. Select the symbol template.                                                              Graphical user interface, application

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  5. Select Connection Type.                                                                         Graphical user interface, text, application

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  6. Select a type of separator to be used for populating text. Graphical user interface, text, application

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  7. Select the Text to Model tab.                                                         Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated                                                                                 QualiWare provides an example of how to handle connection and hierarchical layouts. 
  8. Since the TAB separator was selected a user must use a tab to separate process names. There are various combinations for establishing a relationship. 
    8.1 Example Chart

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    8.2 Example Chart

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    8.3 Example A picture containing diagram

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    8.4 Example A picture containing chart

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    Note: Once the diagram is created, saved, and re-opened – you may not use the feature without emptying the content. 


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