This document describes how to use the BusinessChart template in QLM. The BusinessChart template in QWX is an implemented function of DevExpress that QualiWare uses to pull information from objects and display them visually.
The BusinessChart template in QWX is an implemented function of DevExpress that QualiWare uses to pull information from objects and display them visually. This is typically accomplished through GenericQueries to collect the data and connect it to a BusinessChart object to display it. This document will describe the basics of how to create a GenericQuery and how to get the information into a chart. For extra information please consult the Dev Express guide on their website:
Creating a GenericQuery:
A generic query is an object that uses QSQL or QCL to pull data from objects to be used in several different ways within QualiWare.
Clicking the preview reveals the information:
The code in the GenericQuery can be entered manually, however, it is much easier to generate it using a template called QueryDesign.
Creating a QueryDesign:
- In QLM, in the repository explorer navigate to the QueryDesign template
- Right-click on the template, select New
- Name the template
- Double Click to open, in the popup window select “From Repository” and select OK
- From here, choose the template(s) you want information from, “All” will reveal all templates, “Diagram” will list just diagrams, “Symbol” will reveal only symbols, and “Connection” will reveal only connectors
Note: You can select multiple templates by holding shift or ctrl while selecting.
A diagram with one template will be generated. The template will have the name of the template(s) it pulls information from up top, and the properties you want information from underneath.
Double-click the template and click “Select properties” and then “Relations”.
A list of properties will pop up from the template (in this case InformationSystem properties), select the properties you want information from.
Depending on what template you choose you may get a “Join” popup. “Only connected data” will only properties that are used, and “Full” will show all properties. Choose your preference.
In the below example I have chosen InformationSystem as my first template, and Location as the second template. They are linked by “Locations” which is a property of InformationSystems. This Query will show a list of information systems and what locations they are used at.
Double-click the black arrow.
The generic query window will pop up with our generated code.
Click the preview button to ensure the information is populated.
This basic query is now complete, we can now use it in a BusinessChart.
Creating a BusinessChart:
In the repository explorer find the BusinessChart template
- Right-click BusinessChart, select new and name your new chart. Double-click your chart and you will see a blank canvas.
- Right-click on the canvas and select open
In the BusinessChart window select the Data Source dropdown and select your GenericQuery
Click apply to save the changes and navigate to the chart wizard page.
On this page, we can assign a title, size, and access the Wizard. Click on the Wizard.
Editing in the Chart Wizard
The chart wizard opens to a blank space and chart elements to the left and right
- The left-hand panel is where you select an element of the chart to customize, IE. Legend, labels, titles, etc.
- The right-hand panel is sensitive to the element selected on the left panel and allows for customization
To import your data click either the green arrow in the top left and select “Series” or select the + button next to “Series” in the left-hand panel
Either option will reveal an expansive list of chart types you can use.
Selecting a diagram type will create an example diagram in the center space.
Select the data tab at the top right
Click the arrow next to the table to reveal your data
- The name represents the data from the first object on the QueryDesign, and T02Name represents the data from the second object on that design.
- For this example, Name represents information systems, and T02Name represents the locations where these systems exist. I want to see this represented on my bar chart.
Drag T02Name down to “Argument(None)”
Select the properties tab
Navigate down to the Data section and expand the “Qualitative Summary Options”
Select the 3 dots next to “Summary Function”
In the window that pops up select the arrow next to “none” select “count” and click OK
- This will count the number of Information systems at each location
- NOTE: The preview window will not reflect this change, this is a bug.
- If you now click ok to close the chart wizard there will now be a diagram reflecting the data in QLM
Compared vs. the data:
Additional Customization
- The Axes, labels, legend, and many other aspects of the chart can be customized using the left and right side panels.
- We can see in the above diagram the Y axis ascends at increments of 0.2. To change this select the Primary Y axis on the left-hand side and view the property tab on the right.
Click the arrow next to Numeric Scale Options and change Grid Spacing to 1
The Y axis label is not currently visible. In the current properties window navigate to Elements, and then click the arrow next to the title.
- Change the visibility to yes, and change the title to whatever it needs to be.
- Do the same for the X axis.
- At the moment the legend says series 1. Change the name of the series in the options tab to change its appearance in the legend.
To modify the type of chart click the button that looks like a bar and line chart
This will bring up the list of chart types, typically nothing needs to be modified and the data previously used will be used for this chart. For example a pie chart with the same info:
Or a point chart:
Or a waterfall chart:
It should be noted that when changing chart types like this you will occasionally need to reset the Series or Argument settings, and some of the customizations don’t carry over from one chart type to another.
Creating a GenericQuery from an Excel Sheet
- Some data will be stored in external sources not in QualiWare, to use this we must create DataSourceConnection in the repository
- Right-click on the template and select “new”, name your object, and double-click to open.
- In the window, under the driver drop-down select “Microsoft Excel driver”
Select Get URL and navigate your files to the file you want to use.
Select the Catalog Page. Under catalog in the table row select ODBC_Driver for both options (may need to be manually typed). In the Column row select TABLE_NAME under tables and COLUMN_NAME under Columns.
- Under “Test Connection” – “Select a Table from the Catalog” choose the Excel tab you want to use. Check “Select a column” to see that your columns are listed.
- Select Apply and close the DataSourceConnection
- In the Repository Explorer create a GenericQuery, name it, and double click to open
- Select your DataSourceConnection in the “Data Source Connection” Field
- Under Table Selection choose the Tab you want to use
- Under Data to be used in Business Chart select Results Matrix
- Check “Only at client side”
- Press “Get from Catalog”, this will generate your columns, delete the extra/duplicate column
- Press Apply and Preview to view your results. Press OK to close the object.
Generating a Heatmap in QualiWare
On a diagram select the actions tab to the left of the screen
- Highlight the objects on your diagram you want a heatmap created for
- Double Click a risk management folder under the actions tab
Select Build Risk HeatMap for the Process area - In the pop-up choose a name for your heatmap and click Ok
- Choose what likelihood and significance of risk you want to see, if you want all risks to be considered choose “Remote” and “Negligible”. Strategic alignment can be left blank
Click OK and QualiWare will generate a heatmap based on the risks attached to the objects you have chosen